Thursday, November 12, 2009

Kitty Cat From Mary Jo

Look at this little cutie!!!!! Given to me by Mary Jo of

Take a look at her site for some fun!!!!!
Thanks Mary Jo!!!!!


MaryMaryQuiteContrary said...

Aww there's your kitty! I'm so glad you are enjoying it! I think his eyes got knocked around when he was shipping! He looks a little crazy-eyed! LOL I agree, this Annie Christmas is going to be a blast!

carla said...

OH!!!! Crazy eyed!!!! Kinda like my cats so I just thought that was his way!!!! Hee hee!!!!
Hmmm I will check and see if it got loose or something, but he is cute this way....!!!! oh!!! Yep looks like it got loosened up!!!! I can fix that!!!! Well I will check with him!!!