Sunday, December 30, 2012

Quilting Secrets Blog Hop!!!!! More Fun!!!
Hi!!!! Hope everyone had a great Christmas!!!! It is almost a New Year!!!!! Start it out with some fun!!!! This will be an adventure for sure!!!  I can use all the QUILTING SECRETS I can get!!!  Although quilters really don't mind sharing secrets, I just need to see and hear them all!!!!  Do you always know where you are going with the New Year?  It seems I am never really quite sure....I think I always wait to see what adventures will come!!!!  I don't do resolutions!!  But I always hope for the same be a better,kinder and more caring person!!!  As long as that has been my wish...I should be wonderful by now...hee hee   but I will go on trying year after year!!!! Hugs to all!!!!

1 comment:

Mrs.Pickles said...

Thank you for the shout out! Happy New year :)