The winner was!!!! Celery Leaf will be going on a long journey!!!! She will have friends when she gets there!!!! Sorry it has taken me so long to get this announced!!!!
I will draw the winning name on September 1st!!!!
Have you heard about the chicken run?!!!! Oh sew fun!!!! Avis at Oh Sew Tempting started The Chicken Run and Chickens have been flying around the world!!!! Be sure to visit Avis at her blog above!!!! My Little Chick Lucky flew all the way from Delaware USA!!!!! When she got here she said her wings were so tired and she took a little nap right away!!! She told me her name was Lucky now....because she had to fly over soooo many Kentucky Fried Chicken restaurants that she was just sure she would never make it to my house and then when she got here there was a Black Cat Crossing the street in front of my house...she said she started to just turn around and go the other way...but poor Lucky was just too tired from her trip!!!! Mary at Stitching Grandma sent Lucky to me I had been trying to get a little chick to come here to Kentucky but I think they were a little worried until Mary sent me Lucky!!!! Thanks Mary!!!! Visit Mary at the link above to enjoy her fun blog!!! Here is a pic of Sweet Little Lucky!!!!
She is so pretty!!!! To win all you have to do is agree to make one chicken to give away and send on around the world!!!! There are lots of tutorials and a couple of youtube videos of how to make them!!!! Oh Sew Tempting has a chicken gallery of all the little chicks that have been migrating!!!!! Too win pic which chick you would like to win and tell us what you would name him or her and where the chickie would be off to!!!!
This Wild Child Chick has a little attitude and has been causing some disturbance around here!!!! Choose this one at your own risk!!!! Will be glad to ship wherever you are!!!!! Wonder what was up with that Black Cat that was crossing the street when Little Lucky got here!!!!!! Check out the Black Cat Crossing button at the top of the page!!!! A few more pics for your choosing!!!!!