The Rusty Thimble is having a great give a way!!!! One day left to sign up!!!! She would love to get more people to enter for the fun!!!! Sorry I am so late letting everyone know about it!!!! Hope everyone is doing great and having some fun!!!! Fun Fun!!! hugs to all!!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
I won!!! Yaa!!!!
Look what I won!!!! I won her awhile back from a give a way at THE PATCHWORK ARK!!!!! Go take a look!!!! Dolls and Teddy Bears!!!! Oh My!!!! Too cute!!!!
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Sorry I have been MIA for waaay too long!!!!! I have been dealing with health issues...Not fun....I have also been getting to hold this little darling and keeping up with Jager!!!! Fun!!!!! The worst part of being ill is that I can't have as much time with them as I would like!!!!! I am still trying out meds trying to find one that will work without so much fuzziness of the mind.....I have missed everyone and haven't been around checking out your alls goodies lately...Hoping to do that soon!!!! Hope everyone is having some fun and getting ready to have more fun for the hollidays that are knocking on the door RIGHT NOW!!!!! This year has come and just about gone and I really feel like it just started last week....where did it go!!!! Well I did have lots of fun this past year so...not bad!!!!! Hugs to all!!!!!
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
EmmaLee DixieAnn Ballard
A healthy beautiful baby girl arrived Friday October 22nd at 12:32 pm weighting 6lbs 3ounces and twenty inches long!!!! Me and Jager and the rest of the family fell instantly in love with her!!!! Her and mommy are both doing well!!!! Came home on sunday...can you believe how fast they send them home!!!! Hope everyone is doing well and having some fun!!!!! Hugs
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Looking forward to Halloween!!!!
This was almost two years ago!!! Still so sweet to see!!! I can't wait to see what he is going to go as this year!!!! They grow so quickly!!! Got something else to show you too!!!! We did an owl swap in my All Things Primitve Group and here is the one I recieved from Sue!!!!! I will be able to show the one I made as soon as it is delivered!!!!
Isn't he the cutest little guy!!!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
An Annie for a Christmas in July Swap!!!!!
Here is the Little Annie I made for a Christmas in July Swap for the group All Things Primitive!!!! You can take a look at All Things Primitive on my right side bar!!!!! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!!!! hugs
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Fun tonight!!!!
The fun of the night...Me and my mom and the neighbor ladies watching the blooming of the night blooming cereus..aka...Christ in a Manger plant....I don't have tonights photos downloaded but can show some of the ones that bloomed in July!!!! It only blooms at night and is gone by morning!!!! So you have to be quick and catch them...
also it takes a new started plant several years before it will bloom but the wait is worth it!!!! Hope everyone is having a Great week!!!! hugs to all
That's my boy!!! Jager!!! Covered at both ends!!! Hee hee
Friday, August 13, 2010
Bwa ha ha!!!! Friday the 13th!!!! Always lucky to those with no luck!!!!
Friday the 13th and don't cross the path of black cats!!!! Hee hee I have to laugh at that because I would not be able to get out of my house or out of my yard with out passing at least a few black cats!!!! This is outside my window!!!! They are much to pretty to cause any bad luck!!!!! hugs to all
Monday, July 26, 2010
Look at the winning Dolls!!!!
All of these were made from the same pattern!!! Sherrie Nordgren provided the pattern!!!! Visit Sherrie here!!!
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The voting is OVER!!!!!! Yaa!!!
Hi!!!! This was my entry in the Challenge!!!! Her name is GLORY!!!!! I had a lot of fun in this challenge!!!! You can see all the entries at cloth doll artistry!!!! They were all made using the same pattern but WOW they are all so different and unique!!!! Hope everyone is doing well today or even better if you can be doing GREAT but it is a little hot here to hope for that!!!!! hugs
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Oh!!!! I am so excited!!!!!
Go and look at all these wonderful dolls!!!! I have one in here!!!! Hee hee Mine is cute to me but some of these are just amazing!!!!! All of these are from the same pattern!!!! Wow!!!! hugs to all
Go and look at all these wonderful dolls!!!! I have one in here!!!! Hee hee Mine is cute to me but some of these are just amazing!!!!! All of these are from the same pattern!!!! Wow!!!! hugs to all
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Ok!!!! I am ready to DANCE ON THE MOON!!!! Take my chances and get on with it!!! Years ago me and my hubby started to make and sell our crafts ??? And it went fairly well and mostly we had lots of fun!!!! Well I am ready to start again and I think hubby will back me up!!! He knows I am crazy and loves me anyway!!! Our business name back then was ENCHANTINGS because we didn't make just one thing or one style of things!!!! Give me just a short time and I will introduce you to ENCHANTINGS of DANCING MOON and ONE FEATHER
Friday, July 2, 2010
I am a LUCKY GIRL!!!!! Well, OK old lady!!!!! Hee hee
This I got in a candle mat swap from Val!! Mum of the All Things Primitive Group I am in!!! You can join from the button on my side bar!!!.. See the dolly is an extra!!! Wow!!! I wasn't expecting her and she is sooooo sweet!!!!

And these little cuties are from a Christmas In July Annie Swap we did at All Things Primitive!!! We have lots of fun here!!! Any way this swap was for one dolly and I am being spoiled(Loving it) !!!!!! These are from KIM at
Kim makes wonderful DOLLS and she sells them from ebay too under old bag designs!!!! Check out her blog and her ebay items!!! You will love them!!!! Hope everyone has a SAFE AND GREAT FUN 4TH OF JULY!!!! hugs
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Kisses From Jager!!!!
These are the sweetest kisses you could ever hope to get and he almost always has one to give!!! He is the happiest, sweetest, smartest little boy EVER!!!! Of course I am his MO MO!!!!
Well!!! Being MO MO I loved his little curls... but I got out voted by Mommy!!!! Turned out he looked so cute and his little cheeks even more pinchable than before if that is even possible!!!!
He looks a little unsure about all of this but is flirting with all the girls in the shoppe!!!!
He is giving the thumbs up for TRACTORS!!!! He loves tractors, trucks, fire engines and any kind of dirt digger he can find!!!! If we could bottle his energy there would be enough that we would no longer have an energy crises!!!! Hope you all had fun visiting and seeing the fun I have every day!!!! hugs to all
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Something from Hubby!!!
Well whenever hubby doesn't have something to do..He finds something to create!!!! I always love the things he finds and creates!!! This was just made from some wire he found!!! Cute!!!! Now he has made a bird feeder!!! Pics later!!! Hope everyone is having a good week!!! It is hhhhoooottttt in Ky!!!! hugs
Friday, June 18, 2010
I finally got her finished!!! At first I was worried that I had not done this cute little pattern justice...but then a good dolly friend reminded me that a little of your own uniqueness is going to show up!!!!! I used the pattern but I loved it so much and knew how it looked... I did not use the face template... so she looks a little older than the original pattern did!!!! The more she sits around looking at me the more I want to pick her up!!! Now she has been sewn and stuffed since January but with the move and everything else going on she has just been waiting her turn!!!!! Hope everyone likes her!!!! If you want to make one for yourself or a sweet friend... visit Jess of Little Dirt Lane!!!! Jess also has the sweetest little Prairie Doll pattern available on her site!!!! I am going to make her too!!!! Whoopsie I almost forgot to tell you she is also giving away one of her cuties soon! So go check her out!!!!!!
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Pink!!! Pink!!! Purple and lavender!!!!
My daughter had her five month ultrasound on Tuesday and they said She is a girl!!!!! This is great as I have a grandson!!!! Now he will have a little sister!!!! The little girl is due October 30 which his her momma's birthday!!! Almost a pumpkin!!!! But she will be delivered a couple of week early by c section... as last round they had to do an emergency c section when she had Jager... I am so excited!!!! Jager has been one of my greatest blessings!!!! Now I am getting another wonderful blessing!!!! I am ready for some girlie stuff!!!! hugs
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
I won!!! I won!!!! LOOKIE!!!!! I love entering the give a ways!!! I love love to win them too!!!! Be sure to go and check out this blog and her selling blog!!!! She has lots of cute items.... hugs
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Happy Sunday!!!! Do you know any one who would not LOVE this little baby doll?!!!! Actually I would love this little baby doll!!!! She is made by Kim @ VANILLA BEAN !!! AND YOU CAN MAKE ONE TOO!!!! GO TO CLOTH DOLL ARTISTRY AND CHECK HER OUT!!!!! Kim gives great tutorials and shows all the shading and painting techniques you will need for her homemade babies!!!! I love them!!!! hugs to all and hope you are having some fun this weekend!!!!!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Full View!!!! And a friend!!!
Here she is!!!! Full view!!!! The one with a face is an original DANCING MOON!!!!! Her friend is from a challenge in my prim group, All THings Primitive!!!! Missing Limb Challenge and it was a lot of fun!!!! Everyone used the same pattern, Blume, but had to change the arms and legs and then send one arm and leg to someone else and then they had to use the arm and leg!!!! Turned out pretty cute and she just did not want a face!!! Hee hee!!!! Hugs and Hope Everyone is having a lot of fun and good weather!!!!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Lookie Lookie!!! Fun Fun and Fun!!!!
Trish is having a GREAT GIVE A WAY!!!! Look three little cuties!!!! hugs
You can visit and get your chance to win from her button on my side bar!!!!
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Happy May 15th!!!!
Middle of May? What? Already? Time really does fly!!! Wonder where it goes?!!! When I was a child, summer seemed to last forever and back then winters seemed more fun!!! Over time the summers got shorter and winter became a time of gloom and doom.. not a fan of the long grey dreary months!!! So I always try to enjoy the brighter months... we have had so much rain here that I thought I might never see the sun again... but here it is finally!!!! Yaa!!!! Yaa!!! Yaa!!! Above is a sneek peek at a dolly on its way out to a friend... it is a Dancing Moon original and come back soon when I can show a complete pic!!!!! Hope everyone is having some fun, some sun, and some good times!!!!!! Lots of hugs to all of you!!!!!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A little boy and his car!!!!!!
What do you all think of this cutie!!!!! My first boy!!!! Hee hee!!! He is from a sweet meadows farm pattern and I love how he turned out!!!! Life has been in the way and it has been a very busy time for me again!!!!! Some of you may know my Grandson's name is Jager (yager) and this is in honor of him... his little grin and his little beauty mark and I put a little J in his heart!!!! What I had him sewn and stuffed back in January and just got him finished up last week and then didn't get pics done up till today!!!! Getting old and slow!!!!! I am!!!! Of course he is sitting in Jagers little old fashioned car!!!! hugs to all!!!!! Me
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hello!!!!! Hello!!!!!!
HI!!!!! Does anyone remember me?!!!!! Well I am on my way back!!!!! Dial up is no fun and I finally just luckily got fast access in a box and I was able to install it?!!!!! Wow!!!! I have been checking out blog and having fun looking around at whateveryone has been up too!!!!!! Moving is no fun either!!!! I found some of my supplies today!!!! Yaa!!!!!! And I can't wait to get started back up!!!!!! No pics today but give me a little time and it is no telling what I may have to show!!!!! Hee hee!!!!! Everyone give me a hollar and tell us all what's up!!!!!
hugs carla
hugs carla
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
HI!!!! So glad to be here!!!!
Wow!!!! I took that no peeking a little too far!!!! hee hee Just kidding!!!! Have you ever just done what your heart told you to and wound up in a big mess? Well that is just what I did!!!! Well I am famous for saying life gets in the way and boy did it ever!!!! I am still working through it all and am not totally back just yet!!!! But I will be!!!! Those three dolls in my previous post., I can not tell you which of four places they may be... I really tried to keep track of my stuff and what was going where and then to where, but my mind was way to out of it too keep up.... so I will have to regroup and get it all (my mind) back together!!!!!!!!!
Oh it will all be fine!!!!! If you are waiting on anything from me!!! It will be there and with my apologies hugs and kisses... carla
Oh it will all be fine!!!!! If you are waiting on anything from me!!! It will be there and with my apologies hugs and kisses... carla
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Last post till Saturday Morning!!!!!!!
Ok well!!!!!! You all know I love dolls!!!!! I also love just about all arts and crafts too!!!!! I love colors and shape and textures!!!!!! I love it all!!!! So I played around with a pic of a few dolls that have been waiting around for a couple of weeks.... lets see I was working on five different dolls!!!! Had them sewed up and waiting to see what they where going to wear and what their faces would look like and what color their hair would be and until they let me know there they sit!!!!! One is a Sweet Meadows Farm pattern and should wind up being a rag doll boy, one is a pattern by Jess of Little Dirt Lane!!! And the last one is an original by Dancing Moon!!!! She is almost done now she has her face and clothing but just needs a little somthing on her little head!!!! She just has not decided what quite yet, she is contrary!!!!! She is for a one to one swap so she is in disquise!!!!! Hee hee This will be my last post until Saturday Morning really early!!!!!! I am particapating in Madame Samms No Peeking Challenge!!!!! Check my side bar for info into the fun and a give a way OOAK Doll!!!! Hugs Carla
Dancing Moon is my Cherokee given name!!!!! My grandmother was Cherokee and my grandfather was Irish/Cherokee!!!!! They say that makes a wild fire!!!! hee hee!! I guess it does!!!! I belong to the Shawnee Piqua Sept at this time because they accept certain tribes as their own and they are federally recognized!!!! The Cherokee are working to try to have a federally recognized tribe also!!!!! I belong to a local chapter called Acorn and I am considered to be in the panther clan.... anyway a little about me and my blog name!!!!
Another Gourd Doll
Another Gourd doll!!!!!! Well a gourd decoupaged wtih a doll face and clothes from a doll sales add, and limbs are paper clay!!!!! She won a few blue ribbons round here in Ky!!!!!! Had put her up and forgot about her till we got started moving!!!!! hugs carla
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Come and see what I did now!!!!!!
Hee hee!!!!! What do you think of this one!!!!! She was for a swap in the prim group I am in!!!!! All Things Primitive!!!!! You can see the button on the right hand side of my blog!!!!!! Not that I have done many swaps but this was the most fun I have ever had in one!!!!!! It was called The Initially Yours Swap and what you had to do was take your partners initials and use to come up with your idea!!!!!! Well her initials were AJ so I did An Angelic Angelfish with a Jolly Jellyfish and she made me a Crazy Carnival Cat with her pet Bald Bird!!!!! Too cute!!!! There were only size rules for mailing purposes but you were pretty much given freedom for all things go!!!!! Oh!!!!
You couldn't tell what you were making and they could not tell you what they wanted and there was no peeking till it arrived to your partner!!!!! It was so much fun!!!!! Pics of mine from Aimee J will be below!!!!!!! Too cute!!!!!

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